Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Routines - Part 2

I am finding that using a routine mind frame is easier to set up our "day".  It gets the 3 ladies of the house moving.  I admit that I am not "lazy", but when it comes to getting going, I am a PROCRASTINATOR.  I like having the routine, because it creates a set thing to do then move onto the next thing.

I joined FlyLady a few weeks ago, and I love this site.  I am still doing baby steps, and have not gotten very far, but I am making sure that I am consistent.  This site has you work on routine, rather than clean everything.  Little steps and then you see no need for the big steps as often.

Here is what our routine looks like now.

- Get up, dressed, beds made, teeth and hair brushed
- Eat breakfast
- Do household chores for that day (I split the chores into smaller segments, instead of the big segment we used to do on Saturday) Aleluia!!!!  It has worked wonders.
- Morning Class Routine begins at 8:30 (The girls love that they can begin some of their work if they get to the classroom before 8:30)  We have 10 things we do in the MCR and I still have 2 items to add
- Morning lessons
- Snack around 10:00
- Continue work if not finished
- Lunch around 12:00-12:30ish
- Read Alone - Quiet time for 30 minutes

NO TV till school work is complete but not until after 3:00.  If they are finished they can play before 3:00.

I have introduced one - two new things a week to help in the routine and to allow me time to make better preparations and planning.  As I have watched and listened to the girls over the last 5 weeks, I have had to reconsider some choices and items I did or did not want to do.  Remember that this is my first year homeschooling, but they have many years of public schooling in them (Ry 5th gr and Ash 3rd gr).  They are feeling underwhelmed and overwhelmed at the same time.  Things are different and we need this transition and gradual increase to best fit each child, and MOMMY.


  1. There is a lot of transition in that first year. I think flexibility and a spirit of trial/error are so important. You look like you're off to a great start!

    I am such a flylady failure. BUT I lace up my shoes every morning now. :)

  2. Wow! Kudos to you on your first year of homeschooling! Thanks for leaving a comment about the Anxiety Notebook we made for my daughter. I'd love to see the book you make your daughter and please let me know if it works for her! Thanks, Michelle
