Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Another year!!!!!

Summer of Learning

As we wrap up the "Summer of Learning", we are getting ready for our new year.  We do summer learning to give us a chance to take more time off during the school year.  We usually wind up with more than 200 days in our pocket, and that makes it easier for life challenges and scheduled time off from school during the year.

What learning have we done for the summer?  We finished up Math U See Beta, started Easy Grammar, started new cleaning habits, started learning the rules from Logic of English, read a ton of books and reviewed every subject under the sun.  We also spent most of the summer chauffeuring two darling tweens to baton camp and practices.  We are a twirl family and one of the girls is on a competition team.

My wonderful husband has been traveling for most of the summer, so we have not really had a summer vacation or staycation.  I look forward to a little time before we start our "Fall of Learning".

Fall of Learning - Part One

We will begin our "Fall of Learning" September 9th.  What are we using?

Free Spirit (7th grade)

She is having an increase in curriculum, but some of it is not at 7th grade level.  She has some challenges that we are working on and are seeing great progress with age and homeschooling.

Paths of Exploration - Volume 2 (we finished Vol. 1 last year)
This is a wonderful curriculum.  We are learning about Daniel Boone, Johnny Appleseed, and Lewis & Clark.

Lifepac Language Arts - Grade 5
We used the assessment tool to determine where she could use the most help or review.  I am hoping that she will move quickly through this and advance to another grade this year.  This curriculum will allow her to work as fast or slow as needed and she is super excited that she can set her own pace.

Lifepac Sciemce - Grade 3
This is a fun elective for her.  We use Apologia Anatomy and Physiology as our main science curriculum.  She loves science, so when I found a set at the thrift store I was thrilled.

Apologia Anatomy and Physiology
This is our primary science and daddy is trying to be the teacher.  With his schedule, we have not had a consistent and constant schedule.  We hope that changes.

Just Write - Book 2
She has difficulty with writing her thoughts and expressing herself in writing.  From reading reviews and looking at the curriculum, I am excited.

Working with Words - Grade 7
She loves using "BIG" words and so I did not think putting her in the 7th grade curriculum of this would be a stretch.  This is a simple and very inexpensive curriculum.

Math U See Gamma
Since we are still having difficulty with adding and subtracting, I have chosen to back her up last year and this year to prepare her for the math she will be doing in high school.  Again, if she can master or pretest out of part of this curriculum during the school year, she can move quickly ahead.

Life of Fred - Dog
This is once a week math and done for the fun of it.  If you are not familiar with this, please check it out. It is such fun as an add-in.

Easy Grammar - Grade 3
Same reasons we are doing Lifepac LA5.

SOS - Constitution
She loves history as much as science, so this is her elective for the fall.  This is our first time to use a computer based curriculum and we are hoping she likes and excels with this.

And for the most importance section of our curriculum.

Bible Study - Various
I am using several different items because not all will take 32+ weeks.  The first one is a Kay Arthur bible study called "How to Study the Bible for KIDS".  I bought the books and the DVD.  It looks like a fun video.
We are going to continue with the "Lily" series, Grapevine, and a few others.  More on how this works later.

I will continue in Part Two with Drama Queen (5th Grade) and explain our scheduling and our additional fun extras.


  1. MUS, Easy Grammar, and Working with Words--three of our favorite programs that we stick with year after year! :-)

  2. We love MathUSee! and that Kay Arthur study sounds wonderful. I hope to do something like that with my kids when they are a little older.
    Thanks for welcoming me to the South! ;)
